Vodafone Navigating H1

COVID 19 created the most significant economic event that we have seen in probably some 300 years.

Yet against that backdrop Vodafone realised how relevant they were, how clients were relying on them, and how as a business they were adapting.

They wanted to create an animation to help clients to ‘rethink’ and ‘adapt’ in the new normal. ‘Rethink’ will mean new tech and new capability, whilst being mindful that many clients will have been facing challenges.

They wanted to show their empathy to the business challenges of keeping the UK connected, being proactive and encouraging to deliver help where its most needed.

They wanted clients to feel supported and know Vodafone were listening, and most importantly see that they were continuing to be agile.

And finally, wanted clients to engage and discuss how Vodafone could help them align to the digital transformation opportunities and build sustainability within clients’ organisations.

ServicesAnimationYear2020Created atearnest-agency.com

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